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Meet and join others for convenient online self-development and self-discovery interactive wellness training and practice. 


At these friendly online gatherings, you will learn more about yourself, connect with others and enjoy learning and growing in a safe space while laying the foundation for an even better version of you.

August 2024

Weds.  7:00 - 8:00 pm - online  

Life Coaching,Hypnotherapy & Mindfulness 101.

Learn more about these valuable & effective approaches to whole well-being. 

Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Mindfulness are solid, effective, foundational approaches to creating  life-long well-being. In this interactive class you will learn about and experience these three evidence-based methods that help people move forward in their own personal right direction. 

Registration required by Monday, Aug. 5th @ 7:00 pm


 Weds.  7:00 - 8:00 pm - online  

Change-Discover What You Really Want Instead

Many people express sentiments about things they'd like to change -but don't. Knowing what one truly wants for themselves and why helps to create a clear vision and path forward. In this training you'll discover what you really want instead and establish the beginning steps to move in your right direction. 

Registration required by Monday Aug. 19th @7:00 pm

September 2024

Weds.  7:00 - 8:00 pm - online  

Practices That Support the Habits You Want

Changing unwanted patterns that don't support you can be easier than you think. In this training you'll take a closer look at habits and learn how to use your self-awareness and simple strategies to create new behaviors that lead you to where you want to go. You'll also realize you're not alone if you're feeling stuck. 

Registration required by Monday, Sept. 2nd  @7:00 pm


Weds.  7:00 - 8:00 pm - online  

Reframe Your Story: Release the Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back 

So often people carry the heavy load of past memories of failure, mistakes, and pain, that like a dog bite, leave one scarred and even fearful.  In this class you will; identify one disempowering, limiting belief you are ready to release; engage in an effective hypnosis where you disentangle from the negative feelings; and shine a light on your new beginning. 

Registration required by Monday, Sept. 16th @ 7:00 pm

O N C E 


. . .

You will

receive an

email with all the details &

the meeting

link included

in your 

welcome email. 


I look forward to meeting you if I haven't already!


See you soon! 



training session registration

When we know better, we do better ... and even more so as we learn together. 

Training Registration Form

sign up to stay connected and well informed

By signing up, please understand that you are giving me permission to keep you informed of my training schedules, blog shares, new product launches, and other announcements related to your well-being. Emails are sent from  

Thank you for your interest! 

Thanks for submitting. Please add me to your email list to insure you receive my emails.

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